Angelos Barmpoutis
Ph.D.-University of Florida
Dr. Barmpoutis’ areas of expertise include machine vision and applications, virtual reality in medicine and education, human motion capture and analysis using RGB-D cameras, and image processing and visualization.

David Cheney
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Cheney’s experience includes supercomputer CPU design, protective relaying and metrology in the electric utility industry, software application development (database and control), brain-machine interface research, compound semiconductor research, and he has extensive experience in system integration.

Oscar Crisalle
Ph.D.– University of California- Santa Barbara
Dr. Crisalle’s areas of interest include analysis and design of control systems, real-time remote control over the Internet, manufacture of photovoltaic devices and
control of fuel-cell powered systems.

Edward Latorre-Navarro
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Latorre-Navarro is the Interim Director of IPPD. During his doctoral studies, he was a member of the Computational NeuroEngineering Lab Hybrid Group under Dr. John G. Harris, where he worked on speech and natural language processing.

Dave Mikolaitas
Ph.D.– University of Illinois
Dr. Mikolaitas’ research concerns combustion modeling, especially in coupling between fluid transients and chemical kinetics, high pressure chemical kinetics, surface reactions, and advanced propulsion devices.

Richard Newman
Ph.D.– University of Rochester
Dr. Newman’s research concerns cloud computing, information security and networks. His interests include modeling, simulation, congestion control, multipath routing, error control and powerline communications.

Jerry Paris
Ph.D.– University of Florida
Dr. Paris’ research is related to alternative cementitious materials and he has worked on multiple projects with both the public and private sectors related to geotechnical and materials engineering.

Jorg Peters
Ph.D.– University of Wisconsin
Dr. Peters’ research interests include modeling and computing with geometry: computer graphics, geometric design, numerical computations and surgery simulation.

Keith Rambo
BSEE– University of Florida
Professor Rambo’s research interests include lightning and electromagnets, devices and semiconductor device manufacturing.

Sindia Rivera- Jimenez
Ph.D.– University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
Dr. Rivera-Jimenez’s research focuses on understanding the processes that contribute to the persistence and retention of underrepresented minorities in academic engineering programs during formal and informal educational experiences.

Jaime Ruiz
Ph.D.– University of Waterloo
Dr. Ruiz’s research interests include natural user interfaces, human-computer interaction, gesture recognition, whole-body interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, and usable bioinformatics.

Joseph Wilson
Ph.D.– University of Virginia
Dr. Wilson’s research interests include information security and machine learning.